Joe's BBQ Smokehouse
- Restaurant website
- Displays restaurant menu and special offers
- Shows latest restaurant reviews
- Contact info and opening times for the restaurant
- Developed using HTML, SCSS, React, Bootstrap, Node
Everyday Homes
- Real estate website
- Search for and find real estate
- Filter by home type, bedrooms, price and amenities
- Find info about agents and company opening times
- Developed using HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, Node
Youtube Player
- Video player website (YouTube)
- Search for and play any YouTube videos
- Fully responsive and contains YouTube player functionality
- Integrates with the YouTube API
- Developed using HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, Node
- Portfolio website
- Provides info about my background, education and experience
- Blog with CRUD functionality and ability to leave comments
- Fully functioning contact form using Nodemailer and OAuth2
- Developed using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Mongo
Cactus Landscaping
- Landscaping company website
- Uses Instagram feed plugin
- Gallery of completed landscaping projects
- Functioning contact form and company info page
- Developed using WordPress and CSS
Sell It.
- User to user selling website
- Display and advertise items for sale
- Users can sign up, post items and leave comments
- Item data and comments stored using Mongo/Mongoose
- Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Mongo
London Bitez
- Food and drink social media website
- Single page, fully responsive site
- Automated scrolling using JQuery and Waypoints
- Integration with the Instagram and Google Maps APIs
- Developed using HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap
- Company website for a Bolt manufacturer
- Displays product information and contact details
- Renders and displays Cyrillic characters
- Integration with the Google maps API
- Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap